OSCON Details

Pre registration has closed, but on-site registration is available! Please check in at the registration desk on the third floor of the University Student Center when you arrive. 

When You Arrive

The registration desk will be on the third floor of the University Student Center. When you exit the elevators, turn right to go toward the Continental Ballroom.

Registered attendees will pick up a pre-printed name tag. Those who did not register in advance will need to sign in at the registration desk. 

Registration and coffee opens at 8am on Monday, and 8:30am on Tuesday. During this hour before the conference presentations begin, please enjoy coffee and snacks while connecting with other GW OSCON participants.


We are proud to offer an excellent slate up of presenters offering many truly innovative and informative sessions.

2025 OSCON Program

Eat, Drink, and Be Open

Coffee, tea, and snacks will be available starting at 8am on Monday and 8:30am on Tuesday. Refreshments will be available throughout the conference in our Contributor Hub, located in room 301.

Lunch will be served at noon in the Continental Ballroom both days. Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options are available.

The Contributor Hub

Make sure to stop by the Contributor Hub in room 301 to:

  • Get and stay caffeinated and fed
  • Pick up your official OSCON t-shirt
  • Meet our sponsors
  • Participate in an open source art project
  • Learn more about data preservation at GW
  • Meet other OSCON participants and be fully a part of the open source movement at GW!

Venue Map

oscon floor map

Highlighted spaces on the map indicate where events will be taking place.


Visitors should connect to the GWguest wireless network. You may self-register for this network. Begin by connecting to the GWguest wireless network, and opening your web browser. You should be redirected to a registration page (If you are not redirected, navigate to my.gwu.edu). Complete instructions for using GWguest are available from GW Information Technology.


Metro: The Foggy Bottom-GWU metro stop on the orange, blue, and silver lines is located on campus, just a couple of blocks from the University Student Center.

Parking: Parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis in the University Student Center (USC), where the event takes place. The garage entrance is on H Street near 21st Street. There are other garages available on campus if USC is full. The closest alternative is Science and Engineering Hall, two blocks west of the USC. That garage entrance is on H Street between 22nd and 23rd Streets.